Invited speakersL. Blanchoin (CEA, Grenoble)
D. Bourgeois (IBS, Grenoble) M. Carmo-Fonseca (IMM Lisboa, PG) G. Cavalli (IGH, Montpellier) M. Digman (UC Irvine, CA, USA) M. Dahan (Institut Curie, Paris) X. Darzacq (University of California, CA, USA) C. Eggeling (Oxford University; UK) L. Kurzawa (CEA, Grenoble) S. Manley (EPFL, Lausanne, CH) C. Moskalenko (ENS, Lyon) M. Lakadamyali (ICFO, Barcelona, ES) D. Liakopoulos (CRBM, Montpellier) D. Lamb (LMU, Munich) S. Maurer (CRG, Barcelona, ES) J. Moffitt (Harvard University, US) F. Müller (Pasteur Institute, Paris) L. Schermelleh (Oxford University, UK) JB. Sibarita (IINS, Bordeaux) C. Sieben (EPFL, Lausanne, CH) M. Stracy (Oxford University, UK) |
ModulesThe workshop contains plenary lectures and specific modules. Modules have specific lectures and practical sessions. For more details, click below:
OrganizersA. Abrieu, C. Favard, E. Bertrand, E. Margeat, M. Nollmann, D. Muriaux, P.E. Milhiet
Practicals onFluorescence correlation spectroscopies
Single-molecule imaging/tracking PALM-STORM Structured Illumination Microscopy RNA imaging Atomic Force Microscopy Total Internal Reflection Microscopy Traction Force Microscopy |